Vacation Mayhem, Questionable Cuisines, and the Mandela Effect: Cancun Adventures and More!
In this electrifying episode of "Unquestionable the Podcast," Boii B takes us on a rollercoaster ride through his chaotic Cancun vacation. Alongside his wild stories, the boys delve into historical events and the intriguing Mandela Effect. The episode also features the hilarious "Questionable Cuisines" segment, where they try out bizarre snacks from around the world. This episode is packed with humor, unexpected twists, and valuable lessons from their travels. Don't miss out on this adventure-filled episode!
So I open my wallet and just all brown and I open it just empty At this point my my heart is in my ass, you know, I'm just like Stinky bastards. They took my fucking clone about brand-new Polo Polo Ralphie red The mini traveler to do the mini traveler snatched and I was so pissed guess I found out Welcome back to this week's episode of unquestionable You're with Chris, I'm with my boys Kevin Bucci and boy B was hanging was gangin Feeling like a double XL freshman Was I think he's 13 13 14 Yeah, I mean Jaron Benton we're on together. No, shout out Jaron Bane.
He's rapping at 40 Hops is kind of funky now tough, but back then like they were tough Different era music is it time to be alive? That's hella funny that they're like Virality was just like based on shock value and stuff. Then you had like dizzy coming just on some cool He made me fuck with PF flyers toughly like he was on that shit Chris and Kev, too I used to get him all the colors. I just collect my skittles for show But boy B we missed you do Fix the farmer's tan I'm looking right Take the shirt off How was it tell the people they obviously saw no no and Yeah For the folks that don't know I went out to Mexico Cancun to be exact me and 12 others total 12 of us went out To Cancun a big group of us and it was so much fun, dude.
I had a great time It was just too good to be true. Sometimes, you know What happened while I was out there my Second night I'll get I'll just tell us what happened to me my second night being out there Me and the person I was sharing the room with This one night. We decided to go to the beach for an hour.
Like we're at the beach for an hour tops, right? So I'm like, I need to charge my phone regardless. I'm gonna leave my phone on the charger I'm gonna leave my wall cuz I don't need to pay for nothing. I'm in the hotel resort deal So I leave my wallet just sitting on the on the table where the TV says right and we go and we're at the beach We're having the best time of our lives throughout the beach.
We're having fun. It's nighttime, too so it's like whatever we have drinks in our hands and So all that's done fun's over we go back up to the room and the person she goes into the Bathroom and she's showering up and I'm like sitting on the balcony just hanging out and I remember Chris had texted me I'm like, I gotta text Chris back like Peter people are taking been Jenna I was like, I gotta text the boys back and all that Hey, I thought you put my phone on the charger Yeah My wallet still sitting there I'm okay. My phone's not here though So this is like a good Two minutes of like damn.
Okay, my phone's not here. What the fuck? I must have took with me I guess I forgot. I don't know.
I lost it at the beach now So now I see the wallet and I grab the wallet and I open it and my wallets brown, right? And my cards are different colors. So I open my wallet and just all brown and I open it just empty At this point my my heart is in my ass, you know, I'm just like Yeah, do the cash that I had just pulled this cash out this day too Which was terrible cuz like I didn't have cash on me I was just cashed out in the homies that like had the payment ready to rock and If not, I was swiping the card if they were allowed able to do the card But if not, I was just cashed out in people. So then she's like, oh my god, like fuck So she checks her wallet and her purse and yeah, dude her they she had one of those like little she has one of those Wallets, that's like you just put all your cards in one deal.
All that shit was gone. So like her ID Kaiser card all that type of shit just snatched a snatch ID Yeah, the ID got snatched like all her cars got tech bro That's crazy. And then they took her cash to that she had in her like wallet slot, too So they ran off with that Stinky bastards, they took my fucking clone about brand-new Polo Polo Ralphie red the mini traveler to do the mini traveler snatched and I was so pissed guess I found out because after all the commotion I go Back upstairs the shower and I can't find I'm like those stinky Stinky bandits Cellular bro, that one really hurt me too.
They took my phone bro. I didn't have no access to social life I was out there like I was 12, bro. I was just out there lost like a dog.
That's Do they take your passport or no? No Our passports were in the in the safe They were our safe didn't even work But we had the safe just closed like if you punch in the code regardless, it didn't work, you know, just this wasn't working That was red flag. Number one. We should have like switched rooms right off the easy when that happened for real So we just left but they didn't take the passports because they probably want no commotion more than you know Just wanting the money, you know quickly So we go downstairs and we were trying to set up a report with the fucking people and shit the hotel as we're doing our Dougie another family comes downstairs like hey this shit just happened and We get to talking to the other family.
I get to talking because they don't speak Spanish So I get to talking to the guy the husband and he was telling me his story blah blah blah we were gone for like an hour, so were we shit and Their mo to ours too. I was like, oh shit. They brought us more towels, you know, like fucking right? Hell Yeah, we got more towels.
That was and then that's it like then so them too like yeah They brought towels and then our shits gone. I was like damn do they brought us towels to those fucking bastards They got us good. So then come to find out I didn't stick around for the whole commotion because it was like Three in the morning at this point So I was like dude, whatever if they find our shit fuck it if they find the people like we'll see what's up If not, whatever pretty much they didn't want to help us out We had to do with police and then at that point it was just getting sketchy.
I was like, you know what? We're gonna deal with it like whatever however we can But the other guy that I was talking to it They ended up seeing on surveillance like who it was the people that were Canada being some chunky lady Some tall guy and they're just scanning into the rooms to get into the rooms You had this bracelet and they loaded your card or your room onto the onto the braces So you come up to your door? You just swipe it anything the door opens in your end These but mine was white because I was there for a long time and I had the all-inclusive deal. So I had a white one And if you were there for the day pass, they had the blue one and that's what these people had So how the fuck you have a day pass you have access to all these fucking rooms That's Snakey one that they for show knew the the girl working a lobby or something type of thing type of thing locked it something then they even said to every time a Man, whoever scans it. It shows like on the log, you know the clog Yeah, so I guess they claimed to have called who was the last scene on the log to use those bracelets to get those but And so I guess they called the person and like oh, I don't know.
I'm only working today Okay So then it got sketchier because like the people were trying to help us but it was for sure one of their own people You know saying so it's like Really Exactly type of thing and I was just like dude I'm not trying to get and then the police ended up did coming like two days later catching some people red-handed stealing again I don't know if it was the same people, but they got caught red-handed this time and they got dealt with that time. That's crazy Yeah, that's the night. I went out to the club and I was like Hey at them bunkers didn't you say that you went on a Yelp review though? Do like the day of it we go on this on the the Yelpers whatever it is one of them TripAdvisor Don't go here fucking cleaning staff are in on robbing your shit.
I'm like You know Also talking shit just like horrible service smells like shit everywhere like it did but a lot of these don't like shit sewer construction Regardless everything was inclusive, but the food was to reblame It was so bad, but you're gonna say terrific No way, that was like God bless it. God bless it. They knew how to pour some drinks though, baby They know how to pour some freaking drink.
You got your money's worth I did I got my money's worth now I'll call food was trashed the only time I got to eat good was like when we left the fucking Resort and shout out to the boy that was with this man He took care of us like he for sure made sure like we was having fun and Regardless of everything that happened to me. I was down in the dumps, but you can't keep a good dog down, you know So much fun the rest of the trip like I wish I was still out there like when I came back I was like, oh man, what can I do to go back like? Like, you know, let me strike it. Let me strike it.
Let me strike some money right now, but We're gonna go back. You're gonna go back. I need to get my redemption my redemption song, you know No, I'm sorry to hear maybe not that resort and if it is Arizona, I'm sure I'm back.
Who is it? I'm leaving my door cracked open this time. I'll be waiting on the balcony You guys set him up set him up Just oh, I know on the badge of scar face it Yeah, I feel like you get like licked or robbed at least once in your life for some reason, bro Yeah, just humble my stupid ass. Yeah That's why like when it happened I was like, oh man, I'm over here part two That's what I was gonna say.
I was gonna say I'm sorry it happened to you, but at least you made the most out of it Yeah, no, that was the rest of your trip cuz like for us it kind of killed our home Really wasn't like let's go home. It was like fuck dude. Like it was like, what do we can we do? You know, we got you gotta stick it Just gotta make the best of it, you know And that was it we made the best of it.
Like I did for sure. Like I was just like Fuck it. They got me.
Yeah, it happens, but I'm alive. I'm here. Let's go, baby I felt naked without my wallet and I did I had my wallet but it was empty I had just my ID to offer.
That's all I had. No, I felt I felt crazy. Yeah, I felt crazy So to imagine being like that in a different country No, yeah It was crazy.
Yeah, so I had to take my passport like everywhere with me so That was kind of sketchy too. I don't like doing that. But yeah other than that though, like if I needed something I just homeboy But I never asked yeah, for real like I never asked more than what was needed like when we went to the bars and stuff like You need something you good.
Uh, no, whatever you're having, you know And then again if he was gonna oh if you're gonna get enough for sure if you're gonna get another one But I never was like, hey, bro. Give me another one. Give me no, you know, yeah, I just did what I did It wasn't like that I just kind of I was still having fun though, you know, but if I had my own money Broke, you know So what were the highlights of mexico though? Oh, dude So we got to ride on these little boats and we just got to cruise in the ocean bro It was so fun and then we jumped in the ocean at one point to snorkel seen a turtle I got to swim with him.
Oh shit. Yeah, I went and touched him. Don't tell the spca Yeah, don't tell peter this is a mexico dude this uh I took my life vest off and I fucking got my flippers on him Just went to the bottom.
It was sick crazy. He was slimy. It was cool So did the boy the boy see dirty was out there with me.
He got to touch the turtle, too Nice. Yeah, other than that and then we got to do snorkeling get to that road on the jet the little boats that was cool got to tour the the the the the the expensive houses that sit on the peninsula right there on the water Um went out to this super sick nightclub. It was sick.
It's like a nightclub and a show So they do like performances and all that they get on the ropes wings and they're you know doing the jump and acrobats Yeah, a little circus. Olay type beat. Yeah.
Yeah, it was cool. That was fun and then Just the experience and being out there was fun, too Like yeah thinking about it now and then we got to go through this one island across the way. It's called la isla mujeres That was cool, too.
We got to do a lot of cool shit out there We got to rent go-karts or not go-karts the golf carts and you just cruise them down the island and it was fun Isn't there a resort on that island? Yeah. Yeah, there is one. Yeah, I think it's called Something to me or something like that.
Okay, and we got to go swim at the beach right there at their beach and all that That was fun, too. That's true. Yeah, well, what was the name of the resort? So fucking people know bro It was called cristal cancun You guys are the ops Hey i'ma go right Still have a road mind, but yeah, that's what i'm saying I'm gonna get my redemption and get him back somehow crazy, but hey, I should have left with the tv I'm a booker room and fucking reported as fraud doug This episode we're gonna hit the segment karen mode.
Let's go to leave That's crazy, bro And that's how I was out there But that was it was funny too because I was out there just cracking jokes about the situation, you know Because what can you do? I could just laugh about it guys. Keep it light-hearted yeah, it was so funny like it was one point to like, uh The fucking the tour guide he was his phone started ringing out of his in his bag and his little fanny pack And I was like, it's my phone Oh Imagine it was It's a little fucking He starts playing you're like bro. I know that's mine.
It's my kalani background today Yeah, but I got my phone back so i'm pumped about that I was a little naked kind of panicking without it Well, you got a new phone. I got the same one but new to me. Yeah.
Yeah Insurance got the insurance. Yeah, I still had to pay a pretty fee. But other than that, yeah Rather than paying the whole deal again, but that's why that insurance is helpful.
Everybody always says I won't do it i'm like bro i'm gonna do it up until I Only like 200 bucks on my phone because i'm not trying to lose it and have to and those phones are expensive bro No, jokers for real for real for real And as i'm saying they got me good so they they can't really use that phone other than like for an ipod Do you have a password on it? Yeah, I do but that's even if they unlock it too at that point bastards. Yeah Do you think they're gonna unlock it? No, but there's some hackers. I'm not I don't know if they're Hackers.
Yeah Steal all of our footage. They're very hacker, you know, if they're very that phone was beat down anyways I'm sorry, that shit happened. I'm glad you had a good time bro Living you learn bro living you learn baby.
That's what i'm saying. I'm ready for my redemption. Where's the next trip at baby? That's what i'm saying.
Where's where are we going? Next? What's the what's the next location? And we're making a comeback to uh, redeem kevin's vegas trip, bro No, we gotta go back to vegas bro, we gotta go to like europe or something for sure That'd be europe would be cool. That's what i'm saying I'm more of a beach kind of guy like I like going where the ocean's at. Honestly, that's my type of let's go to You know, I do want to check out the history of europe for sure.
That'd be super sick too There are beach areas out there, bro. I eat some pizza. Oh, yeah Yeah, I need to go to the show No, i'm for real.
I need to show buchi. That was cool No, where is he visa that's dubai or where's that at no, no, it's in spain. It's like what yeah I don't know that part.
Yeah. Okay. Take me to spain Yeah, it's right because spain's on a on a peninsula like it's surrounded by water and then uh, what portugal's for something I think I failed geography.
So I know i'm trying to think but i'm on the other side now. I know italy looks like a boot It's been a while. So if i'm wrong, i'm, sorry, but I think I think i'm kind of accurate Aren't you spaniard dog? Yeah, damn That's crazy, huh uncultured swine, bro I'm not rooted.
What'd you do? Would you do the the bull run? Would you do the bull run out in spain if I was out there? Fuck it I'm, yeah, you do it wear your little red mandana your all white outfit I'm running and then the second I see opening to the crowd to the left of me I'm just sliding into the crowd, but i'm gonna do it for a second. I'm trying to Benny and just fucking ride his ass No, but you at least have to feel like you're part of it. You got to get into it for a second And just get out the second you could What would you guys if you if you could go anywhere right now, where where would that be? I'm going to brazil.
Really? Yeah, i've always wanted to go to brazil No, i'm playing i'm playing What about you buchi you had anywhere anywhere like pick up and go tomorrow, yeah shit, I don't even know Go to like jamaica or something Man if I anywhere anywhere going back to cancun I want to go to cabo. I've never been you guys done cabo before I heard Yeah, I don't know if mex if not mexico someone someone on the beach for sure that's where I go puerto rico dominican Rico I want to go. We met some funny-ass people that just went to the pr.
They said it was so fun Yeah, I met them in miami too because we got stranded in miami and it's technically a u.s. Territory. So we don't even need Well, we all have and they said they went to dr the year before that they go on like annual trips They're like they were cousins and sisters. Oh, that's cool.
They were cool. Yeah, and the password bros Yeah, yeah, yeah And so they this year they went to pr and then last year they went to dr And then prdr. Yeah, she said they're both and then we told them we told them about our trip in cancun like oh We gotta go check that place out next Hell no We got snatched up and they're like, oh shit, like yeah, we'll try somewhere else That's awesome.
Yeah. Yeah, don't stay there. I'll tell you right now.
Don't do that. Don't do that Turn left moving on. Let's get into our first segment of this episode We got this day in history, this would be a story Let's get it I do love history though history is one of my favorite shit.
, pretty much pretty much. So: video Really first. Yeah dvd:Once they hit blu-ray once they hit blu-ray. I was I used to have a cd player back. I had a cd player.
I put in my backpack everything bro. I used to burn I had the little uh, you know the little like the video now The clip-on radios that they only play like fm and am radio, but it's like a little clear box It's like this big and you clip it on you have some little headphones connected to it It's like a little mini portable radio. I think I know what you're talking about.
I haven't seen one in a while I don't know what it's called, but I used to rock that shit too. That's crazy Electronics have changed up crazy like tvs radios iPods mp3 players you guys remember the ipod shuffle the little thing the white one I never had one and then it unclips and it's the usb deal. Yeah, it was just a fucking usb I remember dude Those were around everywhere and you like remember you could win them at like the little at papa's pizza like on those little games Yeah, I used to always a little stackable game or whatever.
You could win Clipable shuffle too, you know the little small ones Yeah, yeah I didn't get I didn't get an ipod to like the nano Yeah, I was an mp3 kid for a while like the sony mp3 whatever it was But I didn't get an ipod deal until like the nanos. That's crazy. Yeah.
next one? So the next one In:Isn't it crazy? Like if it's a trip you guys ever look back. I look back you guys ever see like on tiktok I know we talk about tiktok a lot but on tiktok they show like those videos like when you like you don't realize how long ago this really was or they'll show the comparison like 19 whatever year it was but And you're like what the fuck? I don't even know They lived in the same time period like they were alive at the same time all the images Yeah, yeah, like that. We're like in like, you know black and white but like realistically they weren't like that fucking Yeah, yeah, like we think they're crazy Yeah, it's like 50 years ago Right, right like even even like have you seen that shit in the nba where they they're showing like old film back when Will was playing and they're like, how isn't there film with this 100 point game? Like where is this film at this shit's fucking Long ago as we think it was.
Yeah, it's crazy. That is well, that's crazy The times are different too. The times are different.
ay but and then on my last in:Thank you No, that's hilarious but uh, yeah But yeah, that's fucking this day in history, huh? That's what that is. Thank you for sticking around for this day in history It was fun. Shout out to the next day in history.
f his passing was recently in:But basically for example what the mandela effect is is They do you remember when you were a kid? Was it looney tunes? O-o-n-s or was it u-n-e-s? I thought it was looney tunes Yeah, I thought it was t-o-o-n What is it it's t-u-n. Yes, it's t-u-n. Yeah Cheese it's like I remember cheese.
It's having a z at the end, but it's cheese. It's cheese it. Yeah.
Oh fuck cheese That's because as a katie, but I give me some cheeses and this is the one that really fucked me up is Fruit of the loom. What was its logo back in the day? I thought it was the deal with the fruits and all that the capricornia thingy. Yeah the cornucopia That's what a capricorn is watching this shit.
Hey Aaron's thinking about y'all The cornucopia Yeah, it was never a logo for the loop. So where did that come from? But that no, I dude that that's that's crazy. That's a trip.
Then. Why do I see it? I was about to say star wars was another one where it was, uh, oh darth vader. Yeah.
What did he say? He's like luke. I am your father. No, they say he said No, I am your father.
He says no damn. You didn't say luke They're saying he doesn't say to luke but that's crazy. So our whole entire childhood is a lie our whole lives One of the other ones I got was You know the character smoky the bear Yeah, it's not smoky the bear It's smoky bear He's smoky Or one of the one of the uh, they're trying to claim there's no the that one's yeah That one's there's no another one.
Uh, do you remember when you were kids? Did you like the berenstain? Yeah. Yeah the book Yeah, it's like berenstain, isn't it? Yeah berenstain Or some shit like that, yeah, and what did you say the first time to what berenstain berenstain and what is it then berenstain? It's like berenstain or whatever. You have to say like the stein.
No, it's just spelled different. Yeah Yeah, the wording is crazy different. I think I always remembered like that.
You remember it being a I and yeah, I think so. Is that actual validity to like an alternate universe or alternate timelines or or Messing with the fabric of time or do you think that it's just people misremembering? Well, who I think that's crazy mess with it then. Yeah, exactly.
That's like That's like timmy tuner going into the internet. I don't wear tinfoil Who done it bro, I think I think it's like people like Almost forgetting people just you live everyday life and then you're just Flowing flowing by flowing by and then you just don't it's crazy to say they're like Oh a bunch of people remember the fruit of the loom with like the fruits Like that's crazy to say It's like purposely fucking with us. Yeah.
Yeah, just just so yeah, what did they just change it? I never said nothing Yeah, and I couldn't see that like some of them just like changing things or removing things But there has to be some like kev said where it's like the peanut butter. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
I remember being jiffy Yeah, yeah, I I kind of remember I was a jiff. You're probably thinking jiffy lube jiffy lube But that's the thing is some of them. Some of them could just be Misremembrance that like yeah, that is widely translated.
Yeah, like everybody every it's like widely accepted almost like a lot of people skipping Maybe that is it not Maybe that's why maybe it's like is it skipping isn't it skipping? I don't know, but maybe it's a different brand, but I I don't know but some of them the elephant the peanut butter elephant Yeah, nope, i'm just saying some of those i'm talking shit now some of those theories are a little like a little too good to be true like the cornucopia thing I remember that like I I definitely remember that is crazy to say because I kind of I didn't wear a lot of those undies But I kind of remember like the the whole deal with the I wore fucking hannes Wow That is a trip though, hey, maybe there's alternate universe out there somewhere um If there is I don't know where the duplicates of everybody went Or it's just the government gaslighting us. So coming to find out this mason mandela boy. He uh Mason margiela, bro.
me to find out he passed away:I think my boy Guys have you guys uh been tuning in at all the olympics lately somewhat Crying bro He's a cry baby. Apparently he's crying on national tv He was crying and then actually I've seen a tweet recently that they kind of exposed him that the australia picture He was like standing on his tippy toes in the picture and you can see him staying on his tippy toes Mr. Giddy, why does that matter bro? Mr. Giddy you do that in photos? What are you guys thinking about that that uh, paul walter that uh got disqualified Because he just has an oscar maher on him I don't even know what you're talking about. Honestly, you ever heard about that the paul walter now what happened that paul? I can't think of his name right now, but the paul walter What happened he's got that vulture vulture he was getting jiggy with it He's running up on it And he jumps up and he does the whole nine, right? And his his private area hooks up onto the pole and he bounces the pull off and he got disqualified like, you know, i mean for having a ABC I don't know who it was.
Did you guys did you guys see the um How my question to y'all is do you guys understand how breakdancing is technically qualified as an olympian? How is breakdancing where the job is in there? No, I saw homegirl though. She she said it off Rachel good bro. She was uh, she's australian.
She created a governing body for breakdancing. You know what I think? I think I was saying this No points She had her husband be a part of it or something graded. So she basically like finessed her way into the olympics And she was not jabberwocky material, oh no, she looked like the scene from white chicks where they're like Got me so crazy right now It was hilarious, but the other girls.
Yeah, there's a big uproar right now because they're like she took the opportunity Like breakdancers Is So there has to be like a governing body of some sort and she started it herself and like ran it with like her Husband and friends and made it work. That's crazy I I don't know. I don't know detail for detail what happened.
I just know it was a finesse. I can't That's crazy there was also I was gonna say but there's so many sports you watch that and you're just like How is this in the olympics? Yeah, they got hella crazy shit now. Yeah, I know bro.
Did you see well? Did you see the other reg dancer? She was from lithuania. No, she was from lithuania like I mean not bad No, the funniest thing was she's lithuanian and she was wearing a durag And her last name was nika And She ran with it she was trying her hardest bro. She was trying her hardest bro.
She was out there fucking The durag for them, I don't know she was wearing a durag do a headspin dog. I do not understand how breakdances She did not read the rumor I'm not sure but bro. I don't know That's what I was saying.
I don't know they were shooting and shit. Did you guys see that girl? That's just like Yeah, but she was doing her thing Dude to where he didn't have none of the glasses on or anything The archery guy that you guys see the archery one. He was just straight Katniss Everdeen out there But bro, did you realize how far back those people are? Bro, those motherfuckers are hella far back and they're just fucking just doing that's a crazy sports.
They're a hell of far back and they're just Dangerous ones who that hits you in the ribs Some of them is just like bro, if you're privileged enough to get into it early enough in life Cuz that's something that's not a widely like known sport or something just anybody can get into The big five should get a starter one. Yeah, you're not wrong. Yeah, I guess I guess you're right.
I guess Yeah, you gotta know about it you can't just like Same with right like rowing like certain areas. Yeah, and stuff but out here. It's not a big thing Fuck we can't we can't forget about the NBA bro fucking Ron James With the comeback I was surprised that Canada got stopped like that Canada Dylan Brooks got shut up.
Jamal Murray got shut up. Do you see shy glizzy? He posted that caption? He was saying that Basically like subtweeting Jamal saying that he didn't show up. He literally like posted that shit on Instagram Didn't come cuz the money wasn't right They were there.
They just didn't They weren't there bro. Yeah, but yeah, you're right. A lot of players didn't didn't get it into the honestly What's the deal with Serbia about it? Raw for no reason the USA game versus the Serbia game was probably one of the best games honestly because USA they were down third quarter down like 17 points.
I know to Serbia. Yo, yo kids was fucking handling them assisting Everything and Bogdanovich. He was running it up to I saw that he's gonna look cocky with a Yeah If it was they made a comeback it was it was a good comeback it was about to make a name for themselves, right? But if it wasn't for Embiid, yeah Ron shut up that game stuff, but they would have fucked that off the gold game, bro How can you not talk about that Stephen Curry fucking on a heater for threes in a row, bro? If he didn't do that, then that fool would've been watched That kind of shuts up a lot of that clutch talk though A lot of people talk shit on him like can he show up at the biggest of stages? I don't know bigger stages and what went down with Steph Curry's family.
You see that what happened with a show. Yeah Like they didn't like let her go to the through or to a certain area or some shit like they policed her off something about people They were hurt. Yeah, I think Someone threw some of her baby or something like that.
I heard something went down with the baby I'm not sure if the baby got act like Inadvertently got hit or something like that fact checks this shit because I saw that fucking the baby got pushed I don't know what the real facts is But as far as that goes fuck them for mistreating the fucking people who just want to go metal They're sour they're hurt their butt hurt about that shit but there was a hell of shit going on like you see all like the Celebrities and like Kyson that's the streamers like hellish. It was going on paparazzi. They said this is in Paris.
Yeah Yeah They said Travis Scott was running like screaming for help from the police because the paparazzi was like just following him and shit And then you guys are not someone hopped in his fucking car. Yeah, and he had to like Yeah, they were wiling out and like it looked like the cops didn't have either enough manpower to deal with it or like they just Weren't fucking with like all the Americans and shit. There's like fuck these guys Yeah, what I thought was craziest is you see the one where Devin Booker just signs a jersey and hella paparazzi's around him He turns around gets on a bike and just bikes off like that was after they just want to go Partying until 6 in the morning I'm like Not even tripping about his safety Yeah, I never been but Paris would be fun to check out and they said Paris was dirty Oh, yeah, my parents when I said it was pretty nasty actually damn.
Hey, but did they try to bug it? You can't forget about no allows to Any said that he needs his own shoe cuz he said something about it Anthony Edwards get this He got the Nike deal he said he said He literally said that the they're not world champions. How are they not who talking about the basketball NBA basketball? How are they not world champions, bro? I get what he means I get what he means cuz he's trying to talk about like the Olympics is the world champions Well, you're is that what I said NFL? No, but that's the thing. Yeah, it was again.
I thought it was Exactly, but he said it when the when the NBA championship. Yeah They asked him about it I did try understand. I understand.
Yeah, and he had said words world champions It's the world champions of America. Like he tried to make like that type of joke, which makes sense on the Side of like okay at a global scale when you're playing country to country like country verse country. Everybody's best That's the Olympics, right? So that would be a world champion But like when it's talking about the world champion the highest stage of basketball Yeah, the highest stage of winning is the NBA Yeah, so I About it, I guess I don't understand why he had to go off and say that our bro is fucking from the USA He just trying to make his do his little big one trying to fucking shine in the media But at the end of the day, I found it funny How dude won a gold medal and everybody was hating on him because everybody finds him corny after saying that shit me personally I do too because like why the fuck are you not supporting cuz the top of the top athletes like fumbled the next one right? Oh, yeah, that's why he got kovat That just goes to speak both allegedly team USA got that gold My boy fucking killed it out there this season a Ring season.
I don't know what the Kings fuck That's what's up, but the Kings suck ass I was just gonna say what I thought about the whole no-lies situation, but you didn't let me say anything again No, I don't even care to say it anymore shoutouts to the Kings No, but technically, okay. So since since we could say that about the NBA because there is Basketball and in the Olympics had a professional level still say not even in them You'd still say no not because everybody from every other country come to try to play in the NBA there are a lot better players out there in the world that play on different teams like in the Olympics on different countries teams and The USA has lost in the past to people who are hella good They've got dick like this fool the same by Serbia almost so there are better players But it's like why are you coming to the NBA then? Well, you're gonna be not staying over there in Europe and then playing with their championship because it don't mean shit Unless you're in the NBA. So you are a world champion because everyone from the world is coming to the NBA I'm sorry, but not everyone in the world.
Like it's coming to that one track meet that that fool. Is that am I wrong? I don't know. I don't know too much about track.
Yeah At that point at that point Yeah the the only world ones would probably be the Olympics and I think you you do have a point where it comes to like Everybody in the world goes to America to play but from the devil's advocate perspective it's like saying what if about saying like The Olympics is the best of the best from each country, right if USA's team isn't the best Wouldn't they not be like, you know what I'm saying? Wouldn't the world champion be whoever is the best true? You know, this is the best true, but that's my question. That's my only qualities, bro USA they're they're this shit bro. That's the only time I'll ever display any type of USA No, yeah, you say basketball the Russians are invading it's not going nowhere, bro, but ultimately it's still you know It's still up to for debate because you can't say that like if for instance if Serbia won It's a gold Serbia take the world champion.
Yeah in that point, you know what I'm saying world cred and they're gonna say They're gonna say who? It was bro doesn't matter it was just corny it was just corny that it came from a dude that represents team USA and then He's slandering. What do you think? race that for Tyree you saw that Tyree's like I'll beat him. Yeah, hopefully he does Tyree kill the fucking End up racing a Metcalf that remember they were going at it for a little bit.
Did they end up racing? He did race somebody they had like a whole they had like a whole I don't think so. I think it was somebody else. I think it was somebody else who's 40 was a little faster DK did do the USA trials.
He tried to he tried to run for he wanted to go Weighs like 250 pounds Still though he's fast though. Yeah. Yeah.
I don't want to be in his way when he's coming down Crazy cuz Doug he like what six how tall six five. He's like six five 250 to 30 And imagine running that fucking crowd fucking lay him out. Oh Flat bag, but you know what would be just as a man.
We are you watching this bro? Start the engines boys Warmed up my boy Just as bad those who getting hit by like Tyree kill or somebody that was down to the ground imagine that It'd be a little bit worse. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? They're hitting you that'd be a break on the ground like I can't get you'd bite your tongue You'd be hoping your mouthpiece is on right? That's what I'm saying. They're getting under you and yeah One time I got some blindsided like that.
I just remember just And waking up on the grass Let's talk about it bro. Chetty Tatum is breaking the Internet I Movie But tell him why tell him why you didn't like it. I just it was It's not there.
It's not the not the biggest Deadpool fan. You know, that's crazy. You don't even have to be a Deadpool fan No, I I personally don't really find you didn't like the whole boy.
You don't like Corny and like Forrest and shit. Oh Crazy popular opinion. What's his name? It was Forrest bro, I thought it was funny bro.
I do want to check out his wife's new movie. It ends with us That's don't watch it. They said don't watch it.
It's not good. Not to me. Nah, bro.
They're saying that The she's hot Protagonist what's it called the the main do the love the love relation. I don't know I guess like he took hand or part in like directing it or like producing it or some shit But he was also the main star, right? But she was like trashing him should they were like they got into it I guess and she like specifically went up and asked for a separate cut that of all the shit that she wanted in the movie that he didn't want and I guess like I don't know how fucking true this is But the story that I saw said that this dude had like there's a scene where he picks her up or some shit And I guess homie has like back problems so he went and asked the trainer or somebody working on Sam was like a how much does she weigh and Then like how can I work out to make sure I could pick her up type shit? Like and I guess that just made her feel comfortable and shit, but she wasn't the only one There was hella other people on on the movie said that we're working in it Whether it's actors or like behind-the-scenes shit that said that they felt uncomfortable with him with him there, too so this fool hired like it was like a whole big-ass story like this fool hired like I don't know what they said to OG like It's like a lawyer PR team or some shit like to combat whatever people were gonna say because Blake Lively and all these people were Like just like I don't fucking like the guy or I didn't like being in that environment with him Quentin Tarantino them type shit. Isn't that movie based off like a book? They're like all the girls like I just know she's in it and Heard some shit heard some shit But hey going back to that Deadpool topic, bro the what we're referencing is a clip of Channing Tatum as fucking a character called Gambit who's supposed to be like New Orleans Southern, but I don't even know the French.
It sounded French. He sounded everywhere, bro But they everyone's making fun of like his dialogue and he says who I'm gonna make a name for myself, right? Yeah, there's so many memes about him. I'm telling you do you guys gotta check him out on tik-tok? Watch and go watch it.
Yeah, the caption will be like whatever it is. Don't listen to Kevin go watch that movie You'll see you guys already probably saw the references are crazy too if you know what they're talking about So that's it doesn't make it even fun. Yeah, like better.
Yeah, I really liked it. Yeah I thought the references were really good. Yeah movie Yeah, all the cameos that happen everything that about the movie too was good.
Yeah Not for real But moving on let's get into our second and final segment of the episode you guys You guys see this? We're gonna get into a little bit from other countries. Let's roll into questionable cuisines what's questionable zink heaven questionable cuisines We got a bunch of different Questionable cuisines is when we eat a bunch of controversial things. We've got a bunch of different drinks and Candies and sodas and all the fucking goods.
Yeah We just we basically get a bunch of snacks and drinks and beverages from different countries across the world. We Try them out let you guys know what we think we're gonna try to rate them one through ten Take it one at a time and give you guys our honest thoughts and reviews on these Snacks from across the world snack it up, baby We got a cool little special surprise, too. Yeah, we got the coolest specialist littlest surprise So stick stick around for that All right, let's just start what we're gonna do first.
We're gonna do The violet crumble from Australia from Australia from the land down under from down under This is I don't know what kind of a delicious shattering candy honeycomb, yeah I'm covering chocolate. I don't know what that means, but I don't know but it says it's the way it shatters that matters. Yeah That's what the Australian breakdancer Before she took the stage I Thought I was supposed to eat at the same time.
It's kind of good. I shouldn't get a good piece. It's like coffee That's like a whopper Whoppers are way better.
It tastes like toffee, but it's got the consistency of a whopper There's not a whole lot in it other than just like that fucking Waffer, it's like fun. The way it cracks. Yeah, it tastes like drywall.
That's not So, what are we getting it I'm not fucking with hell no, what is it it's called the violet what violet crumble So I don't know why it's called violet the rappers purple it don't taste with nothing like purple or violet It's not bad. It wouldn't I would never buy this and the fact that it's as big as it is. It was $2.99. I Wouldn't I wouldn't get it again? Marshmallow it's like a toffee So, let's move on to a drink wash that down We got Lime Pepsi baby lime.
Where's this from? I'm from China. All the drinks are from China straight out of China. Yes, sir Shout out to China.
They're doing all right Are all the drinks? At least that's what I was informed I don't think the You want to give them Japan then Fact check that Appreciate you Louise Oh That's just Pepsi. Yeah, it just is a regular Pepsi. I taste no type of lime.
Wow. There's no line. That's crazy That's unfortunate cuz I lime Pepsi kind of sound afar that is a little You got crazy line a little Not it tastes like flat Definitely flat Pepsi The Aftertaste tastes like something Maybe it's been sitting in that store that I got it from.
Yeah, it just tastes like Pepsi. That's a little bit flat. Yeah All right, then let's go to another snacker Let's rate it.
It was a flat Pepsi Something that I would I'd be like a four ten like a four. It's like a Pepsi like a Kind of crack Not even that like you know that when you go to like a family party in the next day you come back to clean up It's that one bottle just sitting out Yeah That that chocolate bar mix with that Pepsi didn't it's not a good combo Let's go some chips, baby. All right, let's do all the chips at once.
Are we gonna do them one flavor at a time? For all the ASMR lovers the a a bronze this is squid flavored Lay's From we buy North Korea, maybe yeah sizzling artificial squid flavor. That's that's I Can't read whatever this one Healy the chips are from Korea Korea boys Korean chips Could you imagine just going to Korea and like walking into the gas station like right here? This is it Like these are the ones right here, but you don't got barbecue Now we got squid though, yeah, yes That's how you open up chips, huh? I mean, yeah who taught you how to open that was crazy You actually violated the bag. Oh what smells like like Someone forgot to put on deodorant So like a foot nah, I smell like a pit smells like with a hint of barbecue.
Oh That is actually nasty Nice smells like must yeah, like just not something I don't want to eat I'll do two for good measure. Yeah It's like almost barbecue with like some refried beans cold refried beans It doesn't have like that. I want it.
I want a barbecue. I fish Omega scale fish guilt like how's that? Scaly, you know, I mean, yeah, they're like Fish oil taste. Oh, yeah, it's it's not the best.
No. Yeah, let's move on You wash it down with another drink. That's like a two skis to two three skis.
What are you guys giving it? I give it a one I want to pop the book I give it a one because I wouldn't even eat that about like hi So then we're giving it a one because yeah, it wasn't too shabby Which marble one do you want to do? But I want to crack one of the marble one by yourself when it's like 12 o'clock at night just on a cool one No, no This John is it from Korea or Japan? No, no, this Fanta one is from where's this fun? I told him where it's from this tropical flavored Fanta Green bottle. I think that one's like Venice. No tropical exotic on it.
It says all drinks are from China I Mean, it says old lick and trop ski. Oh, goose There's not one lick of like Chinese in scripture inscription, whatever you call it so we'll see where it's from we don't know where it's from as of right now, but Get into there Looks like squirt it's gonna taste like squirt calling it Oh Flavor was it just says tropical Tropical exotic Fanta. We're mixing it with the Pepsi.
I mean there was a little bit of Pepsi in there. Don't judge me Smells good. I'll taste it right off.
It smells like skittles. Yeah, it's like it's like grapefruity Squirt with skittles dog. It's like if you left some skittles in a can of squirt I'm tasting skittles.
This is definitely not Chinese. It says I'll deacon chop ski Lucas. That's what I just said, but you believe me Maybe that's Brazilian then Maybe a shit ton of sugar.
That's the one drink that wasn't but I promise you the rest of the drinks are Chinese I'll double back for a second review that no, that was good. I liked it. I'd give it a cool 7 out of 10 That's a good like yeah, if that's what I had my drink I had a drink that's a good 7-8.
Yeah That was like one thing about going to like foreign countries is like at least you guys like you have a Palate of some type of drink, you know, 44 grams of sugar right there, though. Holy shit, dude That was one thing I will say when I was in Mexico. I felt like the drinks were like more sweet out there Is that because they use real sugar out there? Is that what it is? Like in the coca-colas the can Bottles in general though, like the cocoa is the sprites like the coca-colas are hella more sweeter out there Yeah, like the sprites were like any any soda tasted hella more sweeter than I would have imagined like out here I'm like damn this shit.
Tell us manufactured differently, bro They got that MSG and that's the one time I did find a Dr. Pepper. Oh that boy got slugged Anybody don't know Aaron is dr. P sponsored by dr.
We're still not we're still looking for the sponsor dr. Pepper headquarters if you're listening, please mr. Shasta if you're out there, he'll take it Dr. Shasta is that his name? Fire though, you can't disrespect it was crazy when the talk careers to be like people gay like bring it I Said the next one is a Nestle text bar. Yes, sir.
There's no South Africa. This is from Africa That yeah, that's from mean girls mean girls, I love that movie dude fuck So it's a milk chocolate confection with I think this is just the arrow center and field biscuit wafers So this is like those nasty ass there's like a nutty bar you get from like a little Debbie nutty bar Yeah, I love I hate these they're like the wafers. I hate Absolutely, it's probably gonna have no taste watch We gotta read the calorie count Is it tasteless or what does it taste like it tastes like chocolate in those wafers, but I absolutely hate those wafers Oh You love it, it's not what I thought it was It's not bad, but I don't like those wafers.
This is gross. And if y'all don't know it's wafers I'm talking about I don't know if there is still around it's like that little wafers from the liquor store You should go again. It's literally just a wafer and I like strawberry filling in it or like chocolate filling This is damn near like an extendo KitKat But I'm just saying you get what I'm saying like a reminiscent little baby cats are good.
Yeah, I'm not gonna lie You like it. It's pretty good It's not my cup of tea I'll agree with six Six We got some more lays they say minus 50% of something don't know what it is. What are these ones? Chicken artificial chicken wing flavor.
These are perfectly far. They look kind of crazy clear Predictions smells like a model John I Heard that the flavorings like to flavor Similar to what the squid No, like flavorings that are used on like chips and shit Like they all taste the same. Oh, yeah Yeah, this is literally the chicken.
Yeah, it's damn near like chicken. It's like the chicken in the biscuit dust Hey, I'm not on disrespect chicken and basically those shits go crazy. No, I know this tastes nothing like them I'll take one more chicken biscuit On those crackers.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's like those salt salt crackers. No Yeah, they're amazing.
I'll give it a seven. It's pretty good. I kind of got a little spice to it, too Yeah, I'd kill him.
I give him an a that's not bad. I'd fuck the whole thing up. I'll give it a No, I'ma fall with you.
All right. Hey, I'm a fog with you What else is in there Noodles We'll just give our opinion so this one is another phantom a water melon That was it for some water I've been waiting for the sugary ass drinks Oh Oh, yeah, let's let's drink some water from Yeah, these are cavities in a cup dog Shout out my boy Eddie And rush hour they need to make a rush hour for cast me in it it smells like a watermelon Jolly Rancher. Oh Yeah, that's too sweet for my tooth Whoa, that is too sweet for a car right there.
That's like a watermelon like toothpaste Your mom has any huh? Oh, I think I poured too much of my cup Teeth after this Bro trying all this is making my mouth No lie though trying all this makes me want to hop on a plane and fun go travel cuz yeah Yeah, I'm about it Other places next Yeah, yeah, I'm going for yeah, you know like to 44 more sometimes yeah check the sugar count on that that's too much I think it's like 15. Oh, what's next cousin? Hit him with the milk out or the fucking the kick out or that this kick out right here This is from the you we're gonna go over the KitKat cuz Chris wanted to try to say This is a chunky KitKat black and white it's like White chocolate. We love them all white chocolate on the outside This is from the UK skis Central see this would you be in out there? All right All right, you guys see central see what is bond to nuts I You guys gotta look at that picture ever since he started doing I spy she thought This is gnarly I'm fucking with it I'm not a white chocolate kind of guy.
I guess It's like a horn in the hand it's like a cookies and cream It's a type shit. We ate in the ends, man On your lip What they're saying No, wait when they're doing the could have been could have been UK they just did the UK trials for Drew skis could have been Ends I left my flat and I came here today. Oh, that's so funny.
Their slang is crazy I Get let's do it cracker we guys give that I'll give Six give it seven. I think I'm all sweet it up, dude. Yeah, I think I'll go six seven I think it reminds me of the Hershey's cookies and cream bars If it was a KitKat, so I'll give it about like a seven.
Yeah, six seven Yeah, I don't really eat candy all like that, bro. I love me a good chocolate chip cookie dough Strawberry coke Smells kind of kind of good Smells like something I know though Yeah, it smells like something hella familiar I'm a sniffer What does it smell like bro, it tastes like it tastes like a you know what it tastes like you guys remember them Now them amp energy drinks from back in the day You know what I'm talking about, that's what this tastes like not the cola version. Yeah Yeah, but it reminds me kind of when you get a I see you let the red of the color mix together That's accurate too much strawberry in that John no I Give that that's a solid a No, yeah I also I don't drink bad, but I don't like dark sodas.
I don't drink soda unless it's dr. P and I Wouldn't buy it myself. But if that's what they had to offer me at the restaurant Solid a solid eight.
I'll give it a seven. It's do with some ice with some ice. I think it could do some damage What are you giving it Kev? What are you giving it booch? Give it like a seven One of seven That's a cool little seven next up we got some steak flavored lays With the steak you always got to put a little sauce on it, you know what I'm saying? So I look like a Filet so on this one, I think we should pop out.
We should pop out the little Sean Evans on this one Pull them out pull them out We feast Presents hot ones is also brought to you by this segment and you guys is boy Bantley cop the sauce He got like he got the lowest. Oh, it's medium. It's five green.
Let's see When they be swaying, let's see five out of ten, bro. The the chip is good though. It's cool It's it's not great what it tastes like cuz it don't taste like steak.
Yeah, don't taste like steak It tastes like like roast beef or like it tastes kind of like that It tastes like that squid chip kind of no, yeah, it's not it's not that it's like the beef flavor It's all safe. I'll say five. No, I know there's hot ones.
Oh, it's only five on the scurry level, but this is weak As weak and vinegary Yeah, you're right. Fuck it though. Let's see what happens.
Fuck. Are we ball? He wants that one. All right All right, fuck it Sean Evans I'm coming for you Yeah, I couldn't I could win the hot ones this is only a five breath so I could win So this is like the fifth sauce this ain't bad it's five out of ten, oh my god I 'ma put hell on this Like a green sauce.
Oh, yeah, that's good. That's your hair my tummy already, but I gotta go take a duker Oh my god, I'm sweating a little cut Yeah, that's not hot at all Good thing. I got that one cuz I was gonna get the one that was 11 11 10 want some more Chris? It was good, huh? Airport yourself Yeah, port snort that is good I eat that with like some hints of lime tostitos, whatever the fuck they call Put the cap back on we'll save it for some taco night.
Oh Man, I thought it was kind of hot dude. That's your kind. I like that.
I'm sweating a little bit Yeah, boy Give the chips of six the sauce I'll give you like a five out of ten A little kick to it made me sweat. I Give the chips of six. I'll give the sauce of six.
It don't taste like it's from the steak The steak one the steak one one too shabby another strawberry. Fuck that. Oh And that was that was the surprise Yeah, that was cool.
Charles Sean Evans. That's what you got for us. Yeah, that was the surprise right there I'm have to see what number he puts on that one for the people cuz I was a little All right.
I said we got the crack it carbonated Melon soda. He said he wanted to crack it Do I need that little deal? Yeah, unless you just like tongue punch that shit Tongue punch it right in the fart box But you have to take the top Pop that drum Fucking slap it slap that shit. So how it goes just hit it with your palm.
Just push it with your palm. You're good. Oh Crack this ass Pull up for my hose Sip that green today It's like Boganas for you guys shake it Don't put me that much This is an incredible hulk right here, bro with all the drinks I've had in it so far Oh my god, it smells so good.
I'm about to be able to it smells like like like honeydew hi-chew Yeah, it is honeydew oh Yeah, I'm gonna have a diabetes attack I don't really like it. That was definitely it smells a lot better than it tasted Now the best one is the one that serve out the sushi restaurants a little like the sprite or like the strawberry one No, the original one's clear, but it has a flavor. Yeah.
Yeah. He's got hella red 40 in it We're gonna shoot on to the milka that's from Germany, I think Milka Oreo flavored chocolate bar. It looks like let's see if we find a gold ticket Dude, I'm on a sugar high right now.
Holy smokies Why I was still looking like I think I've had this much sugar and Halloween oh, hey, bro, crazy. Thick-ass chocolate bar, bro. Give me a slicer.
Why is it? It looks like that's it. That's just break that Why is it like Like slimy looking like a dog fire, dude All right, that's pretty good Wow, I think that's the best thing I've had I'm not gonna lie. That's all my little heart can take Tastes like the Hershey's I'll give that a nine cream.
I'll give that a nine out of ten. I'm fucking without That's all right, I'll get like The best candy bar for me was a text one the one from Africa I like the text one. That was pretty good No, he was doing the thing.
Shout out more. It's if you're watching this, I love one more. It's I miss you more I love you, baby.
Shout out to the homie more Boy more gold Larry it's my dog But on that note guys, thank you guys for tuning in if you haven't already sir, we're here back comment subscribe Tell a friend to tell a friend and come back spend another Monday with us next week. We love you guys. Hope you tune in